Monday, August 14, 2017

Photo Blog

1. Adaptation of a plant

An adaptation of a plant is something the plant has or does in order for it to survive. The photo above is a Barberry bush located in my front yard. The bush has thorns on its branches to protect itself. The thorns are an adaptation of the plant used for it to survive.

2. Altruistic Behavior

Altruism is the idea that the well being of others is equally, or sometimes more, important than ones self. The photo above is an ant taking the food that it found back to its ant hill for the other ants. This is altruism because it is looking out for the well being of all the ants in its hill instead of just itself.

3. Amniotic Egg

An amniotic egg is an egg laid on land in which an embryo develops. These eggs are produced by birds, reptiles, and egg laying mammals. The above picture is a chicken egg, an amniotic egg that provides an amniotic fluid, yolk sac, and a hard shell for protection.

4. Anther and Filament of a Stamen

The stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower. The anther is the pollen producing part of a flower that is supported by the filament, The picture above shows the anther and filament of stamen of a Day Lilly. 

5. Autotroph

An autotroph is an organism that can nourish itself. The photo above is a tomato plant in my back yard. Tomato plants are autotrophs because they use photosynthesis to survive.

6. Endosperm

An endosperm is part of a seed that provides nutrients for a developing plant embryo. The picture above is popcorn kernels. The endosperm inside of popcorn are the reason they explode when heated.

7. C4 Plant

C4 plants cycle carbon dioxide into four carbon sugar compounds to enter into the calvin cycle. They are very efficient in hot and dry climates, Corn is an example of a C4 plant.

8. Frond

A frond is a large divided leaf, or compound leaf that has many divisions. The picture above is a large fern with many deep divisions making it a frond. Fronds can also be found on palm trees.

9. Cuticle Layer of Plant

The cuticle layer is a waterproof layer of a plant. It has a way texture that causes water droplets to roll off instead of soaking in. The photo above shows a leaf with a water droplet resting on it. This happened because of the cuticle layer.

10. Long Day Plant

Long day plants require long periods of light to grow. Many summer blooming plants are long day plants. The photo above is a head of lettuce, a long day plant that grows best during summer.

11. Meristem

A meristem is a region of a plant where cells are dividing and it is continuing to grow after being harvested. The photo above is an old potato that was at the bottom of the bag and hidden. We only found it because it began to stink. Where the roots have formed is the meristem region.

12. CAM

CAM stands for crassulacean acid metabolism. It is a carbon fixation pathway that formed in plants as an adaptation in dry climates. The photo above are pineapples. Pineapples are able to differentiate day and night allowing them to metabolize accordingly.

13. Basidiomycete

A basidiomycete is a division of a fungi that produces spores on basidia. They usually grow in sets of four. The photo above is four very small mushrooms in my back yard that belong to this group.

14. Bilateral Symmetry

Bilateral symmetry is when you can fold something over itself and it will match up exactly. Bilateral symmetry is also called plane symmetry. The photo above is a small leaf. When i fold this leaf in half both sides line up exactly, giving it symmetry.

15. Gibberellins

Gibberellins are plant hormones that cause developmental processes in plants such as germination, flowering, enzyme introduction, etc... The photo above is a stem of seedless red grapes. Gibberellins have been found in berries of seedless grapes and play an important role in fruit production.

16. Hydrophilic

Something is hydrophilic if it will mix with or dissolve in water. The photo above is table salt. Table salt is hydrophilic because it will dissolve in water.

17. Hydrophobic

If something is hydrophobic it repels water. Oil is hydrophobic because it will not mix with water. The photo above is olive oil added to water. You can see the oil sitting on top, showing it is hydrophobic.

18. Auxin producing area of a plant

The auxin producing area of a plant is in the developing buds. Auxin is a hormone that produces development and growth. Th photo above are buds on a marigold plant. The buds will develop into flowers soon with the help of auxin.

19. Animal with segmented body

An animal with a segmented body is an animal with multiple divided sections that somewhat have the same structure. The photo above is a bumble bee. A bumble bee has three major body segments: head, throat, and abdomen.

20. Endotherm

An endotherm is a warm blooded animal that can generate internal heat and regulate body temperature. Birds and mammals are endotherms. The photo above is sweat (well, fake sweat). Sweating is your bodies way of cooling you down when you get too hot.

21. Dominant vs Recessive

The words dominant and recessive are used to describe inherited traits. The photo above shows a brown eye and a blue eye. The brown eye gene is dominant over the blue eye gene.

22. Adaptation of an Animal

An adaptation of an animal is something the animal has or does in order for it to survive. The photo above is a praying mantis. Praying mantises are made to be able to blend in with their surroundings, and look like a leaf.

23. Analogous Structures

Analogy is the similarities of appearance and function of things that have different origins. The photo above is a sweet potato and a potato. They have the same function, but sweet potatoes are grown on an underground root and potatoes are grown on an underground stem.

24. Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction occurs when there is one parent that produces an offspring just like itself. The photo above is a strawberry. Strawberries are grown on flowers, which is categorized as sexual reproduction. But, strawberry plants can be propagated asexually by allowing plantlets on the end of stolons to grow in soil.

25. Vestigial Structures

Vestigial structures are structures that have no function, but are present because of evolution of past ancestors. The photo above is the dew claw of a dog. He does not use this claw because it does not touch the ground. But millions of years ago there were animals known as miacis. They are early ancestors of dogs. They were known to climb trees, giving a reason for this claw.

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